Beautiful pics of Claudia Wells and Kelly Nash feet & legs

Claudia Wells was an American actor born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but raised in San Francisco CA. Wells became famous in the year 1985 when she was Jennifer Parker Marty McFlys' partner. Wells as well co-starred alongside other famous actors in the anti-drug film Stop the Madness sponsored by the Reagan Administration. Then, in 1985, she starred in the TV movie Babies Having Babies. Also that year, she was the lead role in Fast Times a television version of Fast Times in Ridgemont High. Claudia, despite her career growing steadily towards success in the entertainment industry was forced to take a brief break when she learned that her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia is currently working on over 50 credits from screen, television and stage. Her true career as an actress is yet to come. Claudia looks for roles that are gritty but also expand the boundaries. In her spare time, when she's not collaborating for charities or working as an actor on set Claudia manages her upscale clothing store for men called Armani Wells which you can discover more about through her website

Kelly Nash is an American reporter and broadcaster that has a large following. Kelly Nash is an incredibly popular American sports journalist and broadcaster. Her current work includes MLB networks as well NHL. The degree she earned was from Clemson University. Then she moved to Miami to complete the masters degree for broadcast journalist. Kelly was fascinated by television and found it glamorous. Since her childhood, she dreamed to become an editor for one of the networks. Kelly joined ACC Digital Network immediately after having completed her studies as a Production Assistant, and Intern. In the beginning was completed, she began working for Fox Sports Florida before moving to Fox Sports Sun. They put in a lot of effort until she was able to climb into the top ranks, landing the position of MLB Network. MLB Network is America's most popular news and sports channel. Co-hosting the show, she is responsible for an extremely popular program on the network called "The Rundown. Social media accounts allow her to stay connected with a lot of her followers.

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